NCCP: Level II, ACM Coaching Facilitator
Coaching Experience: 30+ Years
Playing Career: Canadian Masters Team, 2 Years GPRC
Education: University of Alberta (Phys Ed.), Electrician
Marital Status: Married 24 years, 3 children
Martin has been around the Volleyball seen since the late 80’s and is recognized around the world as Canada’s Libero at the Masters Level. Martin Has Travelled around the world playing volleyball in Australia, Greece, Brazil, Spain and Across the United States in Many Volleyball events.
Martin first coached hockey and swimming at a young age (14) helping out his community in a northern town in Alberta. Eventually, Other School sports played a role and Volleyball came into the picture.
2022 Certified Coaching ACM across Canada and the United States.
Preparing athletes toward a life of physical, mental and emotional excellence since 2009. Prior to signing up for any camp, please ensure you have read our COVID/Cancellation Policy.
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