Once a camp is filled to capacity, there will be an option to join a waitlist. The waitlist is treated as first-come-first-serve as spots become available. We will contact you in the order of the date your request was received.
Our Camps are designed so that the various age groups are homogeneous and in the best interest of the athlete’s learning and development. By being in a skill group that is older or much more advanced than recommended, it will actually hurt the development of the athlete. The speed of the game and drills increases dramatically and without proper basic skills at this advanced level and speed of the game the athlete generally makes attempts but has to abandon all technically correct basics in order to play the ball. This situation will then in turn develop very bad habits. It is not recommended and not acceptable to register athletes in an age group which is above their level. There are however exceptional circumstances. For example, a U14 athlete has played at the U15 level all season with success and has had lots of play time and enjoyment. In this situation please contact Carsten Stanjecxk at 1-403-690-0699 before registering. Thank you for being understanding in this matter. We want what is best for the development and enjoyment of your student athlete.
Preparing athletes toward a life of physical, mental and emotional excellence since 2009. Prior to signing up for any camp, please ensure you have read our COVID/Cancellation Policy.
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